American Wildlife Conservation Partners Gives US A Bold Vision for Conservation and Outdoor Heritage

Jan 24, 2025
By Jay Pinsky Editor - The Hunting Wire & Archery Wire

Conservation is at a crossroads. With a new administration steering the course, we must articulate a clear and compelling vision for the future. But to do that effectively, we need a solid plan.

Fortunately, the American Wildlife Conservation Partners have delivered exactly that with its Wildlife for the 21st Century, Volume VII, which they presented to members of the Professional Outdoor Media Association, or POMA, in attendance at NSSF's SHOT Show 2025.

"While developing recommendations and priorities is a lengthy and sometimes cumbersome process, it is necessary that we as a community are coordinated, organized, and strategic so that we may better tackle the problems we are facing and to identify and advance opportunities
to improve our hunting and outdoor traditions," said Taylor Schmitz, Director of Federal Relations for the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation and 2024 American Wildlife Conservation Partners Chairman.
Wildlife for the 21st Century, Volume VII is a set of comprehensive policy recommendations that tackle key issues impacting hunting, recreational shooting, wildlife conservation, and the outdoor industry.

The vision is much more than a wish list, though. It's a detailed legislative guide to doing what is necessary to enjoy the outdoors today, tomorrow, and beyond. Kudos to the American Wildlife Conservation Partners for doing what so few seem to be able to do in our community—giving us one united voice.

Believe it or not, the idea of having one voice was the easy part, according to Schmitz.

"What is even more difficult than developing recommendations amongst 52 organizations with sometimes differing priorities is the work that is required to make the vision contained in Wildlife for the 21st Century a reality," said Schmitz. "We all know that coming up with ideas is often one of the easiest steps in a strategic plan. More times than not, the most challenging step is executing the vision."

The recommendations in the comprehensive conservation strategy provide a blueprint for action. Each of these nine pillars addresses a critical need, and together, they form an integrated approach to safeguarding our natural world while fostering a culture of stewardship and sustainability.

I. Funding for Conservation: Permanent, dedicated funding for conservation is not just a luxury—it's a necessity. Wildlife and habitat programs cannot succeed without reliable resources. By prioritizing long-term funding mechanisms, we can protect critical ecosystems and ensure that conservation efforts are not left at the mercy of fluctuating budgets and political cycles. A consistent financial foundation allows for strategic planning and execution, giving wildlife the best chance to adapt and survive in an ever-changing world.

II. Access: Preserving Traditions: Hunting, shooting, and outdoor recreation are more than hobbies for many Americans—they're a way of life. Enhancing access to public lands ensures that these traditions remain viable and inclusive. By improving entry points and maintaining the integrity of outdoor spaces, we can foster a deeper connection between people and the natural world, inspiring the next generation of conservationists.

III. Wildlife Migration: A Lifeline for Species: Wildlife migration corridors and seasonal habitats are the arteries of biodiversity. Institutionalizing their protection is a critical step toward ensuring the survival of countless species. From pronghorns crossing vast plains to birds navigating ancient flyways, these pathways are essential. By preserving and restoring these routes, we honor nature's delicate balance.

IV. Energy Development: Energy development is a cornerstone of modern life, but it need not come at the expense of our environment. Integrating wildlife and habitat goals into energy planning ensures that development occurs responsibly. Mitigating impacts through thoughtful design and restoration demonstrates that economic progress and environmental stewardship can coexist.

V. Private Land Conservation: Private landowners play a pivotal role in conservation. Incentivizing them to protect wildlife and habitat benefits biodiversity and opens new opportunities for public access. By aligning incentives with conservation goals, we create partnerships that amplify the impact of public and private efforts.

VI. Active Management of Federal Lands: Federal lands are among our most treasured resources but require active management to remain healthy. Collaborative approaches that reduce litigation and prioritize ecological health can revitalize these landscapes. Active management—through prescribed burns, invasive species removal, or sustainable timber harvesting—ensures these lands serve future generations.

VII. Species Conservation: The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is a cornerstone of American conservation but must evolve to achieve greater results. Streamlining processes and fostering stakeholder collaboration can enhance the ESA's effectiveness, moving beyond reactive measures to proactive recovery efforts.

VIII. Wildlife Health: Wildlife health challenges, from chronic wasting disease to avian influenza, threaten ecosystems and the species that depend on them. Supporting state fish and wildlife agencies in tackling these issues is vital. Research, monitoring, and rapid response systems must be prioritized to combat these emerging threats.

IX. Climate Change: Climate change reshapes the natural world, but habitat conservation, restoration, and carbon solutions offer a path forward. Focusing climate policy on nature-based solutions can mitigate climate impacts while enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem resilience. Conservation and climate action are not separate battles—they are deeply interconnected.

"The reality is that advancing policy does not get done in a vacuum, and that is why AWCP is a critical coalition for sportsmen and women," said Schmitz. "As such, I encourage you to stay abreast of what is happening in Congress and the Administration through our communications channels at the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation, and to be ready to engage with your elected officials when the timing is right."

Thanks to Schmitz and other conservation leaders in our community, our industry is well-prepared to act. With a unified voice and clear talking points, we’re equipped to champion the policies that protect our outdoor heritage.