Less than two weeks ago, the National Rifle Association held their 153rd Annual Meeting in Dallas. Unlike many before it, this one without retired/disgraced former EVP/CEO Wayne LaPierre. His “retirement” and the embarrassing revelations that followed in a New York courtroom have cast a pall over the future survivability of the organization and the Dallas convention. But at the conclusion of the Board of Directors meeting and elections, the NRA’s much-maligned“reformers” had won key slots on the Board of Directors and a new Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer - this one nominated from the floor - had defeated the Nominating Committee’s choice to replace LaPierre.
Doug Hamlin, New EVP/CEO Doug Hamlin is no stranger to the NRA, having headed the NRA’s Publications Division for the past ten years. But his isn’t one of those names we’ve seen splashed across the headlines.
Today, in the first interview since assuming that top slot, Hamlin speaks with OWDN publisher Jim Shepherd about his first ten days on the job, plans for the immediate future, and hopes of convincing disenfranchised former NRA supporters to give “NRA 2.0” another chance.