LITTLE ROCK, Ark. -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District is proud to announce Raven Lee, a native of Pine Bluff, Arkansas, as the recipient of the 2024 Administrative Professional of the Year award.
This esteemed award recognizes administrative employees who have provided outstanding service and made significant contributions to the district's success. Raven Lee, an Administrative Support Assistant at the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System's Pine Bluff Site Office, exemplifies these qualities through her dedication and hard work.
"Raven is a self-starter and a team player," said Pine Bluff Site Manager, Webb Palmer. "She not only completes her own tasks but also takes on the workload of several vacant positions, ensuring that government purchasing actions, timekeeping functions, and utility payments are completed accurately and on time. Her commitment to excellence and her willingness to mentor and train new employees make her a valuable asset to our team."
Lee's proactive approach and exceptional service extend beyond her immediate responsibilities. By mentoring and training new employees, she ensures that they are well-prepared and supported, contributing to the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.
The Little Rock District has been serving the region since 1881. The district boundaries include Southern Missouri and most of Arkansas. The district manages $6.5 billion worth of public infrastructure to include 12 reservoirs, 13 navigation locks and dams, 7 hydroelectric power plants, 146 public parks and 308 miles of navigation channel.
More information about the Little Rock District can be found on the Internet at www.swl.usace.army.mil, on Facebook at www.facebook.com/littlerockusace and on X at www.x.com/usacelittlerock.