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The National Archery in the Schools Program is excited to announce a partnership with The Fédération de tir à l'arc du Québec, Archery Federation of Quebec (FTAQ) to become the 10th Canadian Province in the program! Students who reside in the Canadian province of Quebec will now have the opportunity to participate in school archery.
Over the course of the last several months, NASP® has been working with representatives of the FTAQ to establish an agreement to introduce the in-school archery program to Quebec schools. During the next few months, and in partnership with the FTAQ, NASP® will begin trainings for pre-identified schools to kickstart NASP® in Quebec so they can offer archery as a part of their school day instruction.
NASP® president Tommy Floyd said, “This is an extremely exciting day for us, as Quebec represents one of the last remaining Canadian provinces yet to join the program. We look forward to working with the Archery Federation of Quebec as we help them introduce Quebec students to the lifelong skill of archery. We will work with the federation on the translation of our documentation and training materials so that French speaking educators, coaches, and students can enjoy the same safe opportunity as the other 1.3 million active NASP® students do this year.”
“The Fédération de tir à l'arc du Québec is delighted with this new collaboration. It's an extremely exciting partnership, one that opens the sport to a new audience across the province. We look forward to offering Quebec students the opportunity to challenge themselves with our wonderful sport, which fosters self-control and discipline, skills that are necessary in academic development.”
Guy Comeau - President, Fédération de tir à l'arc du Québec.
NASP® is extremely proud to continue our mission of supporting the work of educators while it grows the sport of archery. Since inception, over 21+ million students have been introduced to fun and safe skill of shooting archery. For more information about the National Archery int the Schools Program, please visit: https://www.naspschools.org