Thursday, September 21, 2023

Indiana: Nature Preserve Dedicated in LaPorte County

New property marks Indiana’s 299th nature preserve

The Natural Resources Commission (NRC) approved the dedication of North Woods Nature Preserve, which is in LaPorte County, during its regularly scheduled bi-monthly meeting, held last night at Brown County State Park’s Abe Martin Lodge.

Located within the Northwestern Morainal Natural Region and owned by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the 38.22-acre nature preserve protects one of the best examples of boreal flatwoods within Indiana. Some of the dominant tree species include red oak, white oak, red maple, American beech, pin oak, and black gum.

Indiana’s nature preserves provide permanent protection for significant natural areas within the state. The action increases the number of state-designated sites protected by the Nature Preserves Act to 299, representing more than 55,000 acres of protected land.

The NRC is an autonomous board that addresses topics pertaining to the DNR. More details on this and other actions are available here.

The next regularly scheduled NRC meeting is Nov. 21, at 10 a.m. ET at The Garrison at Fort Harrison State Park in Indianapolis.

NRC members include the DNR director, heads of three other state agencies (Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Indiana Destination Development Corporation, and the Indiana Department of Transportation), six citizens appointed by the governor on a bipartisan basis, the chair of the DNR’s advisory council, and the president of the Indiana Academy of Science. The Academy of Science president and the agency heads, other than the DNR director, may appoint proxies to serve the commission in their absences.