Wednesday, October 16, 2019

RECOIL Affiliate Link Program For The 2A Community

Los Angeles, CA

Problem: YouTube and other social media outlets are throttling 2A content, cutting off revenue and de-platforming firearm-related videos.

Solution: RECOILtv‘s new affiliate link program.

Making quality firearms-related video content can be time-consuming and expensive, and with YouTube’s recent changes to its terms of service, people who previously used to make a few bucks here and there from online advertising, have seen that money go away. As a result, the 2A community turned to alternative ways of paying the bills, but even those have cracked down on gun programming, and the kind of content you all know and love is under severe threat.

Over the past few years, RECOIL has invested into a video player, and has produced high-quality streaming content. They are now taking the next steps to ensure both its long-term viability and to open up the platform to other freedom-loving content creators.

Here’s how it works. In each video, there’s an unobtrusive icon. Click it or pause the video, and whatever product is on the screen becomes a hotlink to either a manufacturer or retailer. If the viewer makes a purchase as a result of clicking through, the company makes a small commission which is then shared with the content creator.

"This is going to support content creators, support the Constitution and connect buyers to vendors. We’re not going to bombard you with clickbait ads, or sell your information, or support companies that don’t support the Second Amendment."

said Iain Harrison, RECOIL's Editor in Chief.

RECOIL's affiliate link program is currently in its beta testing stage, and the company is actively soliciting feedback from end users via social media.

For more information, or to take the program for a test drive, visit


RECOIL is a firearms lifestyle brand for the modern shooting enthusiast. From print, to website to video, RECOIL features the latest guns, gear, accessories, technology, plus reviews and buyer’s guides. RECOIL’s gear coverage includes everything from watches and survival equipment to vehicles that appeal to the modern shooter’s lifestyle. RECOIL along with RECOIL’s OFFGRID, RECOIL’s CONCEALMENT is published by CMG West, LLC.

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