In the 1994 classic, Shawshank Redemption, Andy Dufresne, played by Tim Robbins, delivers the film’s memorable manifesto to Ellis ‘Red’ Redding (Morgan Freeman), “Life comes down to a simple choice…get busy living or get busy dying.”
For 80-year-old Texas native John Poindexter (not to be confused for the former National Security Advisor by the same name), the decision to pack as much into his days as any man could was made long ago. He’s one of a rare breed that seemingly isn’t bound by the same time constraints as the rest of us, apparently there are a few extra hours in each of his days. Scan his biography and you begin to question what you’ve done with your own life.
It might have been multiple near-death experiences in Viet Nam that ignited his course as a man wanting to make a difference with his life—perhaps believing that he was spared for a reason. The former Army captain was awarded three purple hearts, a silver star, two bronze stars, the Soldier’s Medal, the Air Medal, the Army Commendation Medal, the Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Silver Star and, the one he is most proud of, the very rare Presidential Unit Citation.
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