Wednesday, October 16, 2024

AGLOW Presents Steve Griffin with the Excellence-in-Craft Golden Glow Award

Lincoln, Neb. ---The AGLOW Golden Glow Excellence-in-Craft Award is a hallmark of excellence in the outdoor communications arena. Each year, AGLOW’s Council of Past Presidents meticulously reviews nominations and selects an individual or organization that has made exceptional contributions. This prestigious honor isn’t handed out lightly. It reflects years of hard work, dedication, and impact within the community.

During the Annual AGLOW conference last month, at Kentucky Dam Lake, Steve Griffin was awarded the Excellence-in-Craft Award as a testament to his unwavering dedication.

“For 35 years, Steve has been more than just a member of AGLOW; he has become family. His cheerful demeanor draws people in. It creates an inviting atmosphere that encourages collaboration and shared passion. He isn’t just well-liked; he is respected across the boards. His skills as a communicator shine through every piece he crafts. Those who attend ALGOW award presentations know his name all too well. Time after time, Steve stands out among the impressive roster of talented writers and photographers.”

Phil Larson’s nomination and endorsement capture it perfectly. Steve embodies what this award represents – excellent in craft within the outdoor community, making him truly deserving of this honor.

Steve Griffin is an award-winning writer and author who has dedicated his career to the great outdoors. With a passion for nature, he has authored or co-authored nine influential books, such as “Snowshoeing,” “The Camping Sourcebook,” and “The Fishing Sourcebook.” His four-book Outdoor Kids series reflects his commitment to engaging young minds with outdoor activities.

His writing can regularly be found in esteemed publications like Michigan Outdoor News, The Midland (MI) Daily News, and Michigan Out-of-Doors magazine. Over the years, Steve has garnered numerous accolades from outdoor writing organizations at various levels – state, regional, and national.

Beyond his impressive resume as an author and journalist, Steve also shares his knowledge by teaching journalism at Central Michigan University. Residing in the ice-fishing state of Michigan allows him to stay connected with nature while inspiring others through his work. This unique blend of talent makes him not only deserving of recognition but also a beloved figure among AGLOW members and outdoor enthusiasts alike.

For more information about AGLOW and its many opportunities, visit or CLICK HERE.

About AGLOW:

Since the first conference in 1956, AGLOW has grown into a premier organization for outdoor content creators of all types, outdoor brands, and the CVB and destinations that make our wild adventures possible. Founded as a regional organization, AGLOW has grown into a group with international impact and membership. AGLOW members come from almost 40 states and multiple Canadian provinces. AGLOW members include writers, podcasters, YouTubers, and photographers, brands from the shooting, fishing, and hunting categories, and destinations across the country. AGLOW – Regional Name, Global Impact.