Wednesday, July 24, 2024

FWP Announces Public Comment Opportunities

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking public comment on environmental assessments (EAs), conservation leases and other department projects. For more information, including how to submit comments, click on the links provided or visit?

Lewis and Clark overlook and trailhead stormwater erosion mitigation project?EA

FWP is seeking public participation and comment on a proposed stormwater erosion mitigation project at the Lewis and Clark Overlook and Trailhead. This site is located on NorthWestern Energy owned land, is part of the Lewis and Clark Heritage Greenway Conservation Easement and is managed by FWP through an agreement as part of Giant Springs State Park.

Comments due Aug. 2.

Aspen and bitterbrush enhancement on Willow Creek addition to Mount Haggin WMA

Aspen and bitterbrush are highly valuable resources for wildlife, providing food, cover, nesting and parturition areas, and security for a variety of species. Across the intermountain west, aspen and bitterbrush are being threatened by expansion of conifer into stands that leads to competition for nutrients, water, and sunlight, and reduces stand vigor. This proposal aims to retain and enhance both the quality and quantity of two very important habitat types on big game winter and transition range on the Willow Creek Addition to Mount Haggin.

Comments due Aug. 2.

Bannack State Park boardwalk replacement with ADA upgrades

The goal of this project is to improve accessibility to and enjoyment of Bannack State Park for everyone. When ADA improvements at Bannack State Park started to take shape in the early 1990s, a wooden boardwalk was considered the best option to provide accessibility “without intruding on the historic integrity of the site.” The management plan completed in 2000 called for the boardwalk to be “expand{ed} to run the length of the townsite, from east to west, on both the north and south sides of Bannack.” The boardwalk has been expanded, but there are still some small sections that need to be completed, and there have been lateral elements added to improve interior access to buildings. Two of the most significant and prominent building in Bannack, the Hotel Meade and Methodist Church, have seven step risers, which many visitors find hard to negotiate, are now accessible because of the lateral additions to the boardwalk.

Comments due Aug. 2.

Notice of public hearing on proposed adoption of new Rule I pertaining to electronic tagging

On Aug. 2, at 10 a.m., FWP will hold a public hearing via the ZOOM platform, to consider the proposed adoption of the above-stated rule.?There will be no in-person hearing.?

Comments due Aug. 5.

Williams Family Trust notice of habitat conservation lease proposal

FWP?is proposing a habitat conservation lease in southwestern Montana.?

The proposed lease would include 1,114 acres near Toston in Broadwater County and last for 40 years.?

As part of this lease, the landowner agrees to allow a minimum of 48 recreation days to the public each year. At least 16 of those recreation days will be for hunting from Sept. 1 to Jan. 1. The landowner may also choose to offer the 32 remaining recreation days for hunting during that time.

This property is currently enrolled as part of the Williams Ranch Type 1 Block Management Area and public access for hunting will continue in this same manner. Access will also be allowed for hiking (foot-access from the county road that runs through the property) outside of the hunting season. Individuals will need to register at a sign-in box when accessing the property.

Comments due Aug. 9.

QT Ranch habitat conservation lease

FWP is proposing a 40-year?habitat conservation lease on 640 acres owned by the QT Ranch near Lindsay.?Conservation leases are incentive-based, voluntary agreements offered by FWP to help conserve priority wildlife habitats on private lands while also supporting working agricultural lands and public hunting and recreation opportunity.

Comments due Aug. 9.

52 Ranch habitat conservation lease

FWP is proposing a 40-year?habitat conservation lease on 18,255 acres owned by the 52 Ranch near Lindsay.?Conservation leases are incentive-based, voluntary agreements offered by FWP to help conserve priority wildlife habitats on private lands while also supporting working agricultural lands and public hunting and recreation opportunity.?

Comments due Aug. 9.

Draft management plan for Canyon Ferry WMA

FWP is seeking comments on a draft management plan for Canyon Ferry WMA.?

FWP manages Montana’s wildlife management areas to benefit a diversity of wildlife species and their habitats on behalf of the public and to provide compatible public access for fish- and wildlife-related recreation. To help achieve this multifaceted goal for Canyon Ferry WMA, FWP has written a new draft Canyon Ferry WMA management plan.

The draft management plan provides a description of the WMA and lays out the goals and issues associated with how FWP manages it. The plan also provides information on potential future management actions that may occur on Canyon Ferry WMA, both for communication to interested publics and for guiding FWP staff.

The plan will also serve as a reference for FWP's long-term management agreement with the Bureau of Reclamation for establishing annual work plans for the WMA. Some actions resulting from the new management plan may require additional analysis and public input, as required by the Montana Environmental Policy Act.?

Comments due Aug. 15.