Wednesday, July 24, 2024

QUWF and RUGER Partner for Veteran Benefit and Assistance Awareness

In outreach efforts to encourage all veterans from all services to understand and use the benefits they have honorably earned, QUWF and RUGER have partnered in a pilot program to provide free firearms training and range use for veteran children and grandchildren. “By simply having the veteran attend a scheduled veteran’s meeting in our community, or attend a veteran coffee break the veterans can obtain any and all support information for themselves and their families with trained Service Officers and earn the ability to obtain the free range time, instruction and opportunity to take home a RUGER 10/22 for their children or grandchildren with training” explains Craig Alderman of QUWF. “With the attendance of veterans at meetings they earn the ability to provide the free training to their children or grandchildren by a certified LE range instructor using the RUGER 10/22 and they too can attend” Alderman points out. All American Made ammo at the range is donated by QUWF, a veteran founded national Wildlife Conservation Organization and one veteran will win an American Made RUGER 10/22 for his children or grandchildren including a supply of American Made ammunition all donated by QUWF.

“At QUWF we focus on veteran landowners, many senior in age, who love the outdoors and want to pass the torch of conservation stewardship onto the next generation or two. We have two goals here, encourage the veterans to obtain information on potential services and benefits for them and their families and to assist their children or grandchildren with proper instruction, use and responsibility of the outdoor hunting experience” Craig Explains.

Training at the QUWF/RUGER range will include proper handing, safety, characteristics, capabilities and the responsibility of ownership, management of hunting and range equipment both in the field and on the range. This includes proper lockable storage, maintenance, and transport with high ethics and integrity at all times. A field tour will also be offered to show wildlife habitat work and what it takes to be a good steward of the land. Our hope at QUWF is to roll this out to all chapters.

RUGER, an iconic American Made brand, is a staunch supporter of our veterans, QUWF, wildlife habitat, the hunting heritage and the proper training and use of all outdoor equipment on the range or in the field. “RUGER truly invests in the future of our outdoor heritage at the grass roots level and now extends the outreached hand again to veterans with QUWF” Craig reflects.

About QUWF and the AFC: The Quail and Upland Wildlife Federation (QUWF) is the only Veteran founded and managed national conservation organization in the U.S., and the only multi-specie and clean stream national organization, based in Missouri. QUWF with its partner the American Falconry Conservancy (AFC) “turns-the-dirt™” locally and nationally focusing on veteran and all private landowners with chapters that manage and control their own funds. The AFC and its members are dedicated to the historical sport of falconry and the preservation of upland wildlife habitat and populations. Visit our website at for more information.

To join QUWF, get involved, sponsor our work or open a chapter locally for upland wildlife and habitat restoration/ clean streams or the youth fishing teams, visit our web site at or email QUWF is a proud member of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and an Endowment Partner with the College of the Ozarks.

Preserve the Land and Clean Streams….Build the Habitat….Hunt and Fish for Generations” with QUWF® and the AFC™.