Monday, June 29, 2020

Operation Dry Water Gears Up in Alabama

Operation Dry Water is a national boating under the influence (BUI) awareness and enforcement campaign organized by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) that takes place during the Independence Day weekend – July 3-5, 2020.

About Operation Dry Water:
Operation Dry Water is a national boating under the influence (BUI) awareness and enforcement campaign organized by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) that takes place during the Independence Day weekend – July 3-5, 2020. During the campaign, the cooperating agencies will increase BUI awareness and enforcement on waterways within their jurisdictions.

Alcohol is the leading contributing factor in fatal boating accidents nationwide. Boating under the influence is not only dangerous to the operator of the vessel and their passengers, but the operator may be arrested, and the boat impounded. Penalties vary by state but can include fines, jail time and the potential loss of boating or driving privileges.

"Each year boating under the influence proves fatal on Alabama's waterways,” said Sergeant Vance Wood with the WFF Law Enforcement Section. “By increasing our presence and working with partner agencies, we hope to deter anyone from causing an accident this holiday weekend. Please be sure to have a designated boat operator and wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved life jacket anytime you are on the water. We also encourage you to continue following social distancing guidelines, file a float plan and watch out for other boaters during your time afloat.”

“Our goal is zero alcohol-related boating fatalities – not to ruin anyone’s Fourth of July fun,” said Captain Matt Brooks of ALEA’s Marine Patrol Division. “To accomplish this, we need participation from all boaters. Let’s all do our part, and obey laws on waterways, as well as roadways, to make this holiday weekend safe and memorable.”

“The July Fourth holiday period is always one of the busiest on the waterways across Georgia,” said GDNR Law Enforcement Division Director Colonel Thomas Barnard. “As always, our Game Wardens will be out in force and will strictly enforce all boating laws, particularly those related to BUI and reckless conduct, and our goal is for everyone to have fun and go home safely at the end of the weekend.”

The mission of Operation Dry Water is to reduce the number of alcohol and drug related accidents and fatalities through increased recreational boater awareness and by fostering a stronger and more visible deterrent to alcohol when boating.