Monday, April 27, 2020

Wilcor International Shifts Focus from Outdoor Products to PPEs

Wilcor International, manufacturer and distributor of camping/outdoor products thru directional focus change initiated by VP Purchasing Shawn Corrigan has taken a position to help the USA and especially New York State with supply chain needs for PPE protective products as well as personal and surface sanitation products .

This challenge was taken out quickly for many reasons.

  1. Shortage of supplies and the need for more fair pricing strategies for the end users
  2. The desire to help both the medical and emergency fields with their needs to be more protected
  3. The personal goal of helping to find ways to get us thru the COVID 19 viral crisis with less people affected by COVID 19 thru safety measures and the realization that it is People that matter the most in any decisions a company should make
  4. The need to help New York State and the rest of USA get back on its feet again soon , thru safe measures, so in turn we can get back to what Wilcor feels is a prime objective of BE OUTDOORS and ENJOY EVERYDAY . This we can only do if we take the right measures completely and quickly
  5. I did have a master goal and sent it up the line to many in office to listen (and I presented this almost a month ago now ) that was for more faster acquisitions of PPE thru more direct communications with officials thru local governments. This plan has focus on complete transparency , extremely low mark ups of goods , and fast availability of state and federal government funds to put the USA needs first in line at the factories making the highest percentage of PPE goods for the world . Fast action, fast acquisition and fast protection in the field. I am sorry to say this was not enacted on by any of those that needed to make these decisions then and still hope they will listen now for today and the future .
  6. Myself and Wilcor International (a company that Loves and promotes the Outdoor Industry thru all corners of USA) have been committed to this challenge. We are a B to B company and offer our services to fill your needs to any business for their business employee safety needs as well as offering protection and disinfecting needs to their consumers , whom need it every day as they move carefully in this COVID 19 pandemic .
  7. There is one more goal and point that I also passed up the lines of officials in political positions and that is the challenge for all people on the streets of USA to be protected and protected quickly and remain protected . I had created a plan to have packs of 3 Ply face masks that can be produced quickly and thru over 60 certified factories and each one could produce 2 to 3 million per day . This plan was to direct ship to all US post office hubs these ready to deliver packs of masks to end up in all residential mail boxes the next day after they arrived at the Postal hub. This plan entailed starting with the hottest spots for COVID across USA and then continuing thru all areas of the USA offering a full one step in the right direction plan with high level urgency and transparency and organization

Wilcor International loves New York and all of the USA and prides itself in helping business across the USA to have the products consumers look for, for a better outdoor lifestyle . We are so dedicated to help in any way in this fight. Let’s pray COVID 19 can come to an end or a very controllable outcome soon and that we can all learn how to be more prepared in the future for anything that hurts the people of USA and across the globe

All our Love and compassion goes out to those that are being struck with this disease and their families and friends .A sincere thanks to all of the FRONT LINE individuals that are working so hard to save lives and help keep America well .

Please keep doing your best every day to obey the rules of protection and safe distancing and be a helper to all you know and see.

Myself, Shawn Corrigan (and with all the support of the girl I love Lisa Jones who offers her understanding and help every day on this 18 hours a day campaign ) and the all help of my family and co-workers at Wilcor International , We want you all to know that we are here for you .

To learn more about Wilcor International please visit or contact Shawn Corrigan

Dealer/retail opportunities contact Mike Mathews at or 315-368-8485

Wilcor International

161 Drive In Road

Frankfort NY 13340