Thursday, January 9, 2025

Swift Fox Program at First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park

Join First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park for a family-friendly educational event focused on the history and biology of Montana’s unique swift fox, led by FWP wildlife biologist Brandi Skone. Beginning at 6:30 p.m. on Friday Jan. 17, visitors can enjoy hot cocoa, coffee, and other treats while listening to this fun presentation followed by a question-and-answer session. It will also look at recent translocation efforts on tribal land and current efforts by FWP to understand population numbers and distribution in the state.

Swift fox are the smallest member of the canine family in North America, and are about the size of a small house cat. Once abundant across the great plains, their population declined in the early 20th century, and they were proposed as a candidate for the Endangered Species Act in 1996. Their numbers have since rebounded and are currently doing well in Montana.

Skone’s work with FWP has included projects with nightjars, cuckoos, swifts, bats, reptiles, and many other nongame species. In addition to the nongame work, she also spent several years documenting and tracking swift fox in southeast Montana to help better understand distribution and habitats used in areas of low density.

The free program will take place in the First Peoples Buffalo Jump classroom, and seating capacity is limited. For more information contact First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park at 406-866-2217. The park is 3.5 miles north of Ulm, off Interstate 15 at Exit 270.

For directions or more information about First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park visit: