Bozeman, Montana. The Wild Sheep Foundation (WSF) concluded its 48th annual convention, The Sheep Show®, this past week in Reno, NV, raising a record amount of funding and excitement for wild sheep conservation.
“We’re still tallying the results, but by all indicators, we will be able to provide our wildlife agency partners and others significant funds to do the good work they do,” said Gray N. Thornton, president, and CEO of the Wild Sheep Foundation. “Equally important was the infectious advocacy for wild sheep felt everywhere you turned. That’s what it’s all about: doing our best for these cherished wildlife resources is a good feeling everyone can be a part of.”
The Sheep Show® is the premier event for raising dedicated funding for state, provincial, territorial, and tribal wildlife agencies for their wild sheep and other big game management programs, as well as other WSF Mission programs. Money raised goes toward wild sheep management and enhancement programs to maintain and grow wild sheep populations. These include trap and translocations to establish new populations in new ranges or augment existing ones, habitat improvements, including water developments and controlled burns, and herd health surveillance, testing, and research.
“At our evening banquets, I addressed the audience several times about the importance of being an evangelist for wild sheep and the work of the Wild Sheep Foundation,” Thornton continued. “If you could roll passionate, dedicated, committed, fan, and spiritual into one word, it would be evangelist. That’s what it means to be a conservationist. Being a part of something you can see making a difference.”
Conservation permits sold at the Sheep Show® provide a significant amount of funding to wildlife agency budgets. One conservation permit in New Mexico sold for a record $1.3 Million, generating much-needed dollars for the state agency’s conservation program. The state can then leverage this with 3:1 in federal dollars through the Pittman-Robertson Act, potentially providing $5.2 million to the New Mexico Game & Fish Department to fund bighorn sheep restoration. “This is wildlife philanthropy in action,” Thornton added.
“Wild sheep are doing well in some areas and not so well in others,” Thornton concluded. “Last year, WSF was able to direct $11.1 Million to wild sheep conservation, funding trap and translocations to establish new populations in new ranges or augment existing ones, habitat improvements, including water developments and controlled burns, and herd health surveillance, testing, disease research, education, and advocacy programs all benefitting wild sheep and other wildlife. These funds are the catalyst for the hands-on, on-the-ground work done by our chapters and affiliates alongside our wildlife agency partners. We hope to exceed this level of funding this year. By all accounts, conservation supporters showed up big time. This includes our WSF members, exhibitors, sponsors, donors, bidders, and buyers. Thank you all.”