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UrgeMedia is pleased to announce a brand-new partnership with out-of-the-box subscription service Alpha Outpost, “your monthly outdoor gear source” for 2018.
Capitalizing on the growing popularity of subscription services, Alpha Outpost chooses high quality brands of miscellaneous but highly useful outdoor gear and accessories. New subscribers receive their first box for only $5.00, and monthly collections are offered at $39.95. This allows potential customers to sample a few outdoor brands without committing to a big purchase. Each box comes with an original magazine full of information and entertainment. With their slogan “Get your gear and get outside,” they encourage all comers to enjoy the great outdoors at every opportunity.
Additionally, Alpha Outpost has launched a monthly drawing to show their appreciation for their customers. Among the prizes this month is a new AR-223. Every month the grand prize is a new AR style rifle, and there is no purchase necessary to win. Visit the website here to get started: https://www.alphaoutpost.com/#Giveaways.
As always, the team at UrgeMedia has tailored Alpha Outpost’s 2018 marketing strategy to maximize their budget and promote the goals of their brand. Look for their commercials in hit shows such as Headhunters TV, Gregg Ritz’s Huntmasters, and Heartland Bowhunter in the coming months.
For more information on how UrgeMedia’s unique “microsponsorship” digital and television advertising approach can help grow your brand, visit www.urgemedia.com or contact Sales Manager Clint Salisbury at 970.328.8001 extension 34.