Quite A Year

Dec 19, 2023

With this edition of The Outdoor Wire, we put a bow on 2023 and commence our holiday hiatus.

2023, like most years preceding it, held its share of unexpected surprises. Sadly, not many were pleasant.

From the loss of friends to the horrors of man’s inhumanity to man, we’ve all seen and felt loss, tragedy and crisis. Bad is seldom limited by geography. Bad actors do what bad actors seem determined to do: prey on innocents.

Whether it was Hamas in the Middle East or garden variety crazies in Maine, one inarguable fact remains: crazy gonna do crazy. Expecting otherwise is as naive as a lonely sheep discussing dinner options with a pack of hungry wolves and expecting everyone to order a salad.

This year we’ve lost people we knew, loved and respected. Having reached “a certain age,” losses are no longer totally unexpected. Doesn’t lessen the loss, but it brings a realization each of us has a “start” and “end” date. What we do in-between them is what really matters.

That’s not melancholy. It’s simply realizing that not every friend’s calendar will advance on January 1, 2024. It’s a realization that it’s up to those of us left behind to carry their memories, continue their good works, and demonstrate the positive lessons they modeled.

Some are entering their first holiday season with a new hole or two in their hearts from loss. Here at the Wires, we’ve all lost friends and family. Those losses are why the final feature for 2023 seems an appropriate place for me to unequivocally say that each of you matter to all of us.

Not telling people they matter is one regret that time seldom removes. Which leads to the only piece of advice I’m offering: don’t wait to tell people they matter.

This year I’ve been blessed with reasonably good health, good fortune and unexpected, but deeply appreciated, recognitions from others in the industry. I still consider myself fortunate to do what I do. And not being the type who enters contests or competes for awards, being recognized for work I consider a privilege to perform was humbling. After all, my job is to tell your stories, not mine.

And my goal has always been the same: to keep you informed. I summed it up with a phrase that’s pretty much become my catchphrase in the two decades that have passed here at the Wires: we’ll keep you posted.

In 2024, we’ll be expanding -significantly- in order to keep that promise. We’ve announced expansions before, but this one will bring new, but recognized voices to our team.

The biggest of our 2024 expansions includes a first for us: a consumer wire. Not a hybrid of industry news and features, a true consumer-focused service.

Shooting News Weekly will kick off online when we return on January 4. SNW will cover news for our friends in the community, without a specific focus on the industry. Realizing the need to “fish where there are fish”, SNW will include video features (with two names you’ll recognize) and as a strong social media component.

Before we end 2023, here’s your chance to make certain you don’t miss the inaugural edition and make certain you’re subscribed to all the services you’d like from The Outdoor Wire Digital Network.

Simply follow this link to our signup form, check the boxes for the services you’d like to receive and send it back to us. You’ll get a verification email (one for all, not one per each). Click to accept, and you’ll be in business come January 4 when we resume.

This is not our house, but one of the delights of the holiday season is riding around and looking at houses where people definitely believe in letting their lights shine.

Later today, family begins arriving at our house and we’ll begin our holiday celebrations. With young grandchildren, I once again have the opportunity to witness the wonderful excitement of kids and Christmas. I hope you have family time as well.

Before I reassume that doting grandparent role, I want to thank each of our editors, our composition folks and my longtime friend and business partner, Alex, for having made another year possible -and fun.

We are scattered across the country and seldom have the opportunity to get together face-to-face.

But we are still united by our single goal: We’ll keep you posted.

Until we reappear in your email boxes on Thursday, January 4, 2024, I wish you and your family happy holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year. I pray God will bless you, keep you safe, and fill your holiday with time to rest, reflect and remember good times, good friends and good fortune.

You are, after all, part of my extended family, too.

See you in January.

— Jim Shepherd