Thursday, September 26, 2019

Vermont Big Game Reporting Stations

MONTPELIER, Vt. – Vermont hunters who take deer, bear or turkeys must bring them to a reporting station within 48 hours.

The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department keeps an updated list of big game reporting stations on their website ( with a map showing their locations. Here is a direct link to the map and list:

“Bringing your deer, bear or turkey to a reporting station is greatly appreciated because it enables us to collect important information on where and how many of them are taken during hunting seasons,” said Mark Scott, Vermont Fish & Wildlife’s director of wildlife, “and it also provides the opportunity to gather biological data at some of the locations during youth deer weekend and opening weekend of the November deer season.”



VTF&W photo by John Hall

Vermont hunters who take deer, bear or turkeys must bring them to a reporting station within 48 hours.

Media Contact: Mark.Scott@Vermont.Gov 802-777-4217