Thursday, November 3, 2022

World’s fastest killing broadhead: Fire N The Hole

Bold statement to claim to be the world’s fastest killing broadhead. Allow me to take the time to explain to you why and how we can make this statement.

Every bowhunter is looking for the “best” broadhead. What does that mean, “best” broadhead. To Fire N The Hole Broadheads it means killing the animal as fast and clean as possible. The designs accomplish this by doing what no other broadhead design can achieve.

The ring broadhead cuts a 1 inch hole through the animal. A 1 inch hole with all the material which passes through the ring being cut and removed as the broadhead passes through the animal. Blood will not clot in a 1 inch hole. Massive blood. Blood pressure is gone. Animal dies in seconds. No other broadhead cuts a 1 inch hole. All other designs blades cuts slices, not holes.

The 1x4 inch mechanical flies at 1 inch open in the animal to 4 inches. 4 inches is twice the cut of most mechanicals on the market today. Twice the cut means twice the blood loss in half the time as 2 inch designs.

Now what we are going to tell you next you may not believe. Where we get these distances and time is from personal use of these broadheads over the years, but more importantly is the pictures and stories of customers results. We have testimonies from all over the US backing up what we are going to share with you.

This is how long the animals are alive and the distance cover after the shot placement described. These are averages not absolutes.

Double Lung: 3 seconds/30 yards Liver: 8-10 seconds 50-100 yards

Gut: 1-5 minutes/100-150 yards

“Impossible! There has never been a broadhead that can do that.” There has never been broadheads that can make a 1 inch hole or a 4 inch cut! Now there is, they are made by Fire N The Hole. It is our passion to make broadheads which kill deer as fast as possible. Our designs are different, but so isn’t our performance. What we shared with you are personal experience back-up by customer testimonies. Do our broadheads kill everything they hit? NO. You still must hit something that bleeds. We can say with absolute certainty our broadheads give you the best chance at recovery by making the largest wound channel in the world.

Fire N The Hole Broadheads is currently looking for manufacturers representatives throughout the United States. For territory consideration contact Robert Anthon or 716-717-5768.

For information on Fire N The Hole products visit or call 618-535-1368.