LINCOLN, Neb. – Deer hunters are reminded that in-person check stations will be used during the nine-day firearm season this year.
All deer harvested during the Nov. 13-21 season must be accompanied by the hunter and taken to a check station no later than 1 p.m. on the day following the close of the season.
Check stations change from year to year, so hunters are urged to find their locations before they hunt. A list may be found on the 2021 deer regulations sheet, which, along with maps and information, is available at and An interactive map of check stations can be found at
Game and Parks staff will collect lymph nodes from select harvested deer to sample for chronic wasting disease at check stations in the Wahoo, Blue Southeast and Blue Northwest units. They will take samples for CWD and meningeal brain worm in the Buffalo, Platte and Republican units.
When checking in a deer, the permit and check station seal number or check station verification number must be retained when transporting all or a portion of the carcass to a point of permanent storage or processing.
Deer harvested during the Nov. 6-8 Special Landowner season must be checked via Telecheck; the website and phone number to contact are printed on the permit.
CONTACT: Jerry Kane, Public Information Officer | | 402.471.5008