Monday, March 11, 2019

NOAA Fisheries Implements New Shortfin Mako Shark Size Limits

Effective March 3, 2019, NOAA Fisheries has set the recreational minimum size limit for shortfin mako shark caught in federal waters (3 - 200 miles offshore) to 71 inches (fork length) for male sharks, and 83 inches (fork length) for female sharks. Male sharks can be identified by the two claspers located near their pelvic fins. Female sharks do not have claspers.

This amendment to the fisheries management plan was put into effect in response to an international stock assessment which found that the shortfin mako stock is overfished, and overfishing is occurring.

Example of short fin mako fork length measurement

(Photo Credit: NOAA Fisheries)

The size limit for shortfin mako shark caught in state waters (0 – 3 miles offshore) is 54 inches (fork length). Visit Recreational Saltwater Fishing Regulations for more information on shark fishing limits.

For more information about coastal sharks, visit DEC's website.