National hunting group pledges to help efforts for first challenge of hunting ban under Maine “right to food” constitutional amendment
Kansas City – Hunter Nation Foundation today announced that it will make a five-figure donation in support of a lawsuit, filed by two local plaintiffs who are part of the Maine Hunters United for Sunday Hunting group, fighting Maine’s Sunday hunting ban under the “right to food” amendment to the state constitution. This is the first challenge of this ban under the new constitutional right to food.
“We are thrilled to support the Maine Hunters United for Sunday Hunting lawsuit,” said Hunter Nation Foundation CEO Luke Hilgemann. “The debate about Sunday hunting in Maine should be about whether or not the law hurts or helps Maine’s economy, hurts or helps Maine’s conservation efforts, and hurts or helps Maine’s hunters right to obtain food. The unequivocal answer to each of those questions is that it helps. At Hunter Nation Foundation, we believe that there should be increased access to hunting for everyone, not just for individuals wealthy enough to take a day off work during the week.
“We are thrilled to have the support of the only national group in the country dedicated to providing more access to hunting and furthering the outdoor way of life,” said Jared Bornstein of Maine Hunters United for Sunday Hunting. “We are standing up for not only Maine’s hunters and families, but anyone who chooses to hunt to feed their families. And in these economic times, efforts should be made to alleviate the burden of feeding your family, not make it more difficult. People have a right to feed their families no matter what day of the week it is, and we know having Hunter Nation Foundation’s support will help us.”
In March, the sister organization to Hunter Nation Foundation, Hunter Nation testified to the Maine legislature about how reversing the Sunday hunting ban would benefit Maine’s economy, conservation, and hunters.
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