ATHENS, GA (October 28, 2020) - For the past 41 years, nothing stopped the largest, longest-running annual gathering of deer researchers in the nation, the Southeast Deer Study Group (SEDSG) meeting, until COVID-19. But QDMA and NDA are stepping up to ensure this important event stays alive in 2021 by hosting it as a virtual conference, February 23-24, 2021.
The Southeast Deer Study Group meeting is the largest annual gathering of whitetail researchers in the nation, where scientists, college professors and students, state agency wildlife biologists and other deer managers gather to share recent research and discuss important issues. Traditionally, SEDSG is hosted by a different state wildlife agency each year in rotation throughout the 17 member states. When it appeared the February 2021 meeting would be postponed for a full year, QDMA and NDA volunteered to fill in for the state wildlife agency that was next in line by hosting a virtual conference, knowing the importance of this meeting to deer research, scientific discussion and deer conservation.
Deer researchers, students and managers wishing to give a presentation or poster at this meeting are welcome to submit an abstract for consideration, with a deadline for abstract submission on December 1, 2020. Registration to attend the virtual conference opens on December 15, 2020. For more information on how to submit abstracts, plus additional deadlines, registration fees and other information, visit www.qdma.com/sedsg.
This year’s conference experience is designed, like other SEDSG conferences, to include plenary and technical sessions, posters, sponsors, networking opportunities and an awards ceremony. However, the virtual platform provides integrated mobile and desktop apps and offers the following to participants:
About the Southeast Deer Study Group
SEDSG was formed as a subcommittee of the Forest Game Committee of the Southeastern Section of The Wildlife Society. Since 1979, these meetings have been held in-person annually for the purpose of bringing together managers, researchers, administrators, and users of this vitally important renewable natural resource to share recent research and discuss important issues. QDMA has been a member of the planning committee for the SEDSG for some time, and both our founder (2000) and the organization itself (2011) were recognized with the Deer Management Career Achievement award for our contributions.
Media Contact: Matt Ross, QDMA/NDA Assistant Director of Conservation, 518-391-8414
About QDMA
QDMA is dedicated to ensuring the future of white-tailed deer, wildlife habitat and our hunting heritage. Founded in 1988, QDMA is a national nonprofit wildlife conservation organization with members in all 50 states and Canada. To learn more about QDMA, call 800-209-3337 or visit www.QDMA.com.
About NDA
The mission of the National Deer Alliance (NDA) is to serve as the guardian of wild deer conservation (white-tailed deer, mule deer, black-tailed deer, coues deer, and Key deer), and our hunting heritage. Formally incorporated in May 2015, the NDA is driven to assemble and unite a diverse group of stakeholders that includes hunters, managers, and the hunting industry to help create positive outcomes for deer and deer hunting.