Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Whitetails Unlimited's Event Annual Has Arrived

Whitetails Unlimited’s event Annual is back from the printer and is ready to ship. Everyone attending a WTU event in fiscal year 2019-20 will received the new, expanded, WTU 2019-2020 Annual publication. This year it is 68 pages (up four pages from last year), and includes information about Whitetails Unlimited, our mission, and program services.

The new publication is supported by the sale of display advertising to 30 industry sponsors. Their loyal support helps Whitetails Unlimited highlight the success of initiatives within the four WTU programs: DEER program, Staying on Target, Preserving the Hunting Tradition, and HOPE for Wildlife program.

WTU would like to thank all its sponsors who have helped make this quality publication a huge success. The first event of the fiscal year kicks off Friday, July 19, in Carroll County, Georgia. Visit to reserve a ticket to an upcoming event near you.


About Whitetails Unlimited:

Since our beginning in 1982, Whitetails Unlimited has remained true to its mission and has made great strides in the field of conservation. Thanks to more than 475 chapters, 113,000-plus members, chapter volunteers, and corporate sponsors, Whitetails Unlimited has earned the reputation of being the nation’s premier organization dedicating its resources to the betterment of the white-tailed deer and its environment. Our mission is to raise funds in support of educational programs, wildlife habitat enhancement and acquisition, and preservation of the shooting sports and hunting tradition for future generations. To date, Whitetails Unlimited has expended more than $94 million on program services and activities that continue to enhance, and ultimately foster, our mission.

Stay connected with us: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WTU Website

For more information, contact:

Russ Austad, Whitetails Unlimited

Program Services Director: (920) 743-6777, Ext. 102