ROANOKE, Va. - September is Tree Stand Safety Awareness Month. It’s the month most hunters start heading back to the woods to either put stands up or begin hunting. Hunting from a tree stand is a safe and enjoyable way to hunt as long as we follow a few basic safety principles called the ABCs of Tree Stand Safety. Thanks to a concerted effort from across the outdoors and hunting industries, we have seen a significant reduction (42.8% in the last 4 years of the estimated number of tree stand falls requiring emergency care). However, now is not the time to become complacent.
Based on feedback from across the industry and help from our friend Stan Potts with North American Whitetail, TSSA has launched a major initiative called “ABCs of Tree Stand Safety Interactive,” which provides the end user with a click and watch short video series on the ABCs, according to Glen Mayhew, President of TSSA. Simply scan the QR code and link to the video clips and other resources.
“By practicing these four simple steps, you can fully enjoy your tree stand hunting experience and come home safe to your family and friends,” says Mayhew. If you don’t have your full-body harness, DON’T CLIMB and hunt from the ground.
Hunters and members of the industry alike can help spread the message of the TSSA Foundation, and September is Tree Stand Safety Awareness Month. Visit the TSSA on social media at www.facebook.com/Treestandsafetyawareness and www.twitter.com/treestandsafety or our website www.Treestandsafetyawareness.org .
TSSA Foundation is a grassroots 501(c)(3) organization that serves the industry as a resource with its sole focus on significantly reducing tree stand accidents through promotion, education and best practices. For more info on the SSA Foundation, contact Glen Mayhew, President, at TreeStandSafe@gmail.com; 540-526-5157 or Jay Everett at jay@hssvest.com; 256-773-7732.