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Every year from April to November, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources is on the Great Lakes, surveying the important and diverse Great Lakes fisheries. Crews from research stations in Marquette, Charlevoix, Alpena and Harrison Township gather data on fish populations, fish health and the presence and effects of invasive species. It’s vital information that directly informs fisheries management decisions — such as stocking levels or regulated catch limits — and provides data to help gauge the success of past actions.
With surveying for 2024 wrapped up, DNR fisheries biologists are now synthesizing the findings and preparing for next year’s surveys. Interested in what the surveys found? Check out highlights from each research station’s survey efforts.
![]() St. Clair-Detroit River SystemThe field season in Great Lakes waters of southeast Michigan kicked off with northern pike, mooneye and smallmouth bass tagging in Lake St. Clair and tributaries during March, April and May. The tags, which are surgically implanted into fish and send a signal to receivers in GLATOS, allow scientists to track movement of fish throughout the region and the Great Lakes as a whole. While data from northern pike and mooneye tagging is still coming in, the results from smallmouth bass tagging suggest that Lake St. Clair smallmouth bass exist in multiple, smaller subpopulations rather than one large lakewide population. These subpopulations occupy well-known areas of the lake such as Anchor Bay and the Mile Roads and appear to mix very little with smallmouth bass from other locations. The annual lake sturgeon assessment in the North Channel of the St. Clair River showed continued recruitment of young lake sturgeon into the adult population—which means that young lake sturgeon are surviving into adulthood. The North Channel sampling location is considered a “hot spot” for young lake sturgeon, and this is supported by DNR survey data. During the past 27 years, survey crews have encountered individual fish from each year class born between 1997 (the year the survey began) and 2019 (the most recent year class that, because of their age and size, can effectively be caught by the sampling gear). In 2024, the DNR tagged 24 juvenile lake sturgeon in the North Channel with tags that are detected by GLATOS (like the northern pike, mooneye and smallmouth bass mentioned above) and more will be learned about the specific movements and habitat use by these fish in the coming years. New molecular analysis of fin clips from captured lake sturgeon shows that most fish larger than 63 inches are females, while those less than 63 inches long are evenly split between males and females. Since 2021, DNR staff have completed lakewide surveys on Lake St. Clair in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The partnership completed a netting survey that targeted larger-bodied fish in offshore areas of the lake in 2024, complementing other netting and electrofishing surveys completed in 2021 through 2023. These surveys will be conducted on a rotational basis to monitor any changes that occur in Lake St. Clair and inform future fisheries management decisions. The 56-year-old RV Channel Cat made a weeklong trip to Lake Erie in early August to conduct a bottom trawl survey that documented walleye and yellow perch reproduction and an abundance of 8-inch and larger yellow perch. The RV Channel Cat and crew then returned to Lake St. Clair to collect lake sturgeon using 35 individual trawl tows. The individual sturgeon captured in this survey, which sometimes exceed 100 pounds, are rarely encountered in the North Channel survey efforts described earlier. August concluded for the crew with a micro-mesh gill net survey to describe the Lake St. Clair forage fish community. Micro-mesh gill nets were deployed at six locations and commonly captured logperch, yellow perch and round goby. The RV Channel Cat closed out the year with a trip to Lake Erie in early October for the annual walleye assessment. Catch rates in the survey gill nets were the third highest observed since 1992, and the catch included many year classes (ages) of fish, which represents strong walleye reproduction in Lake Erie since 2015. To learn more about how the DNR manages Michigan’s fisheries for current and future generations, visit Michigan.gov/Fishing. |
Edward Baker (Marquette Fisheries Research Station), 906-249-1611, ext. 309
Patrick Hanchin (Charlevoix Fisheries Research Station), 231-330-5290
Todd Wills (Alpena and Lake St. Clair fisheries research stations), 586-904-2058
Seth Herbst (DNR Fisheries Research Program manager), 517-388-7759