MONTPELIER, VT – The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department will hold two more virtual public hearings on May 11 and 13 to solicit input on deer.
These online hearings will be held via ZOOM Webinar starting at 6:30 p.m.
May 11 Virtual Deer Hearing
Webinar ID: 824 1670 9759
Passcode: 392775
Phone: (929) 436 2866
May 13 Virtual Deer Hearing
Webinar ID: 842 5762 0866
Passcode: 472529
Phone:(929) 436 2866
To participate via smartphone or tablet, download the free ZOOM App and enter the appropriate meeting ID. The telephone number is the same for both meetings, but each meeting has a unique ID number and weblink.
The department urges people to review information that will be discussed by going tohttps://vtfishandwildlife.com/public-hearings-schedule prior to the hearings. This includes last year’s deer season results and the recommendation for this year’s antlerless hunting during archery, youth, novice, and muzzleloader seasons.
“The winter of 2021 was relatively easy for deer throughout Vermont,” said Fortin. “Lack of substantial snow across most of the state for much of the winter allowed deer to utilize habitats outside of their traditional wintering areas and access the best available foods. As a result, overwinter mortality was minimal.”
Deer populations in 7 WMUs are above their respective population objectives, and the recommended antlerless harvest is intended to reduce deer populations in these WMUs.
Populations in all other WMUs are close to their population objectives, and the recommended antlerless harvest is intended to stabilize populations and provide additional harvest opportunities in those WMUs.
The 2021 antlerless recommendation is expected to result in the harvest of approximately 10,660 antlerless deer during the archery, youth, novice, and muzzleloader seasons.
Public comments and questions will be taken at the virtual hearings but also can be provided by emailing ANR.FWPublicComment@vermont.gov or by calling and leaving a message on the Vermont Fish and Wildlife public comment voicemail at 802-265-0043. Comments will be taken until May 14.
Media Contacts: Nick Fortin 802-793-8777, Mark Scott, 802-777-4217