Thursday, November 21, 2019

November/December issue of Arkansas Wildlife magazine available

Subscribers to Arkansas Wildlife – the official magazine of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission – are enjoying the November/December issue, which is chock-full of entertaining and interesting news about hunting, fishing and conservation in The Natural State.

If you’re not a subscriber, here’s some of what you’re missing:

  • Mike Widner’s article about growing up as a quail hunter, and continuing to find places to hunt in Arkansas, plus news about northern bobwhite habitat on Stone Prairie Wildllife Management Area;

  • Coverage of a revealing University of Arkansas study that shows the state includes eight subspecies of white-tailed deer;

  • News about improvements to wintering waterfowl habitat on Hurricane Lake Wildlife Management Area; and

  • An uplifting article about a 28-year-old rehabilitated bald eagle’s return to the wild.

You’ll find these articles – as well as usual features about outdoor cooking, photography, editorials, columns and everyone’s favorite – “Scales of Justice.”

Subscribe today by visiting or calling 800-283-2664. Subscriptions are $12 for one year (5 bimonthly issues, including the July-July calendar issue), $20 for two years and $25 for three years.