Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Contact Governor Youngkin Today and Oppose The Antigun and Anti-industry Bills

On Saturday, February 22, the Virginia General Assembly adjourned sine die from its 2025 legislative session. Like last year, Democrats in both the Senate and House passed a plethora of antigun and anti-industry bills that, if signed, will negatively affect manufacturers, retailers and consumers. Governor Glenn Youngkin, like last year, has indicated that he will not sign bills that unjustly attack the industry and penalize individuals that choose to exercise their Second Amendment rights. Please contact Governor Youngkin’s office and let him know you appreciate him standing in support of the industry.

Industry Specific Bills passed this year include:

SB 848 removes the right of anybody under 21 years of age to purchase certain semiautomatic rifles deemed “assault weapons.”

SB 881 bans the manufacturer, import, sale, transfer or possession of plastic firearms and unfinished frames or receivers.

SB 891 creates an arbitrary waiting period of five days for the purchase and transfer of firearms.

SB 1181 and HB 1607 bans the sale of many semiautomatic firearms classified as “assault firearms.” The legislation also bans magazines having a capacity of more than 10 rounds.

SB 1450 and HB 1608 creates new civil liabilities for firearm industry members, specifically those engaged in the sale, manufacturing, distribution, importation or marketing of firearm-related products. These bills also create a civil cause of action for the Attorney General or local county or city attorney to enforce the provisions of the legislation.

This is not a comprehensive list of all the anti-Second Amendment legislation that was passed this session. A full list can be found here. (Search: “firearm”)

Elections matter. This fall Virginia will have elections for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General and the entire House of Delegates. Please take time to research candidates in your district and ask them whether they support your Second Amendment rights.

Take Action:

Please contact Governor Youngkin’s office and ask him to support the firearm industry by vetoing antigun bills. The governor has up to 30 days to veto bills once he’s received them, so please contact his office as soon as possible.