Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The 2023 Upland Game Bird Outlook

Fish and Game's wildlife biologists in each region provide an overview of upland game birds in their necks of the woods, so hunters can get a look at their favorite areas and quarry.

Idaho, with one of the most rugged landscapes in the union, offers a ton of upland game bird hunting opportunities. Whether you find yourself in the high-mountain timber or the lowland-sagebrush steppe, there’s a good chance you’re in upland bird country.

Upland game birds are sensitive to environmental factors, like temperature and precipitation, and often vary in number from year to year. Oftentimes these can be very localized, so hunters may not see the same impact in other parts of the state.

Because of this, it’s difficult to provide a forecast across the board; however, Idaho Fish and Game Upland Game and Migratory Game Bird Coordinator Jeff Knetter says temperature and precipitation during the nesting season were very similar to last year and could be beneficial for upland bird populations this fall.

"Weather during late spring and early summer were very similar to 2022. However, it was a bit warmer this year,” Knetter said. “Additionally, summer brought much needed precipitation to southern Idaho. Drought conditions continue to improve across much of southern Idaho, but much of the Clearwater and Panhandle regions have experienced abnormally dry or drought conditions this summer.”

Many upland game bird populations rebounded in 2022, and there should be carryover into the fall 2023 season. Habitat conditions should be in good shape, and there should be an abundance of insects for brood-rearing.

The only notable exceptions would be the Southeast and Upper Snake regions, which experienced a severe winter with heavy snowfall and prolonged cold temperatures, which may have impacted overwinter survival.

There's ample opportunity for upland hunters to pursue a wide variety of birds across diverse landscapes in Idaho, and upland birds in some areas will have fared better than others depending on localized conditions.To provide an idea of what's available this hunting season, Fish and Game's wildlife biologists in each region compiled an overview of upland game birds in their necks of the woods, so hunters can get a look at their favorite areas and quarry.

To find places to hunt upland game, check out the Hunting Access webpage, which includes Fish and Game's Wildlife Management Areas and Access Yes! properties.

To learn about upland game bird hunting rules and seasons, and more information, see Fish and Game's Upland Bird Hunting webpage. Be sure to pick up a copy of the 2022-23 Upland Game, Furbearer and Turkey Seasons and Rules booklet from all Fish and Game offices and license vendors, as well as digitally available on Fish and Game’s website.

Here's a look at upland bird hunting in each region:

Panhandle Region

Spring and summer conditions were relatively dry across the region. Insect abundance appeared high as a result and likely benefitted chick survival. Pheasants, gray partridge and quail are uncommon and largely restricted to the southern portions of the region.

Here’s more information about the Panhandle Region.

Clearwater Region

Chick survival appears to be up from last year, due in large part to ample ground cover and plentiful insects. No abnormally high mortality rates were detected during winter or spring, nor would they be expected given these types of conditions. Field observations indicate production was up for chukar, quail, and gray partridge. Overall, fall upland bird hunting is expected to be good-to-excellent in areas of the region.

Here’s more information about the Clearwater Region.

Southwest Region

Cool, wet weather prior to peak hatches and increased early summer precipitation have created excellent brood conditions for nearly all upland game bird species in the Southwest Region. The timing of preferred weather conditions should also contribute to good survival for broods that successfully hatched due to increased forage and insect mass. Quail and chukar have been observed across the region. Forest grouse should be good this year due to continued good recruitment in 2022. Overall, upland hunting should be good-to-excellent across the Southwest Region.

Here’s more information about the Southwest Region.

Magic Valley Region

Abundant winter and early spring precipitation created good habitat conditions for upland game birds. Fish and Game field staff are reporting higher numbers of quail and partridge across the region compared to recent years. Pheasants are below recent and long-term averages due to continued habitat loss. No surveys are conducted for forest grouse, but these species are somewhat buffered from drought and other unfavorable conditions because forbs and insects tend to persist longer in these higher-elevation habitats. Numbers this fall will likely be near average.

With hot and dry conditions this summer, birds will likely be concentrated around water and food sources. While the mix of both good and bad conditions for upland game birds over the past several years has made it difficult to forecast numbers in the fall, it is generally expected that game bird numbers have increased from 2022 and will be at or above the 10-year average.

Here’s more information about the Magic Valley Region.

Southeast Region

Winter conditions across the region were severe and extended into early spring. The eastern part of the region was hit the hardest and, as you move west, the winter conditions were less severe, but still well above average. Spring brought good rainfall across the region, and intermittent rains have occurred throughout July and August. Those birds that nested successfully likely had great conditions for brood-rearing. Fields reports are mixed across the region. In general, hunters should expect fewer upland birds this year, particularly in the eastern portion of the region where winter was the most severe.

Here’s more information about the Southeast Region.

Upper Snake Region

The Upper Snake Region experienced a long and wet winter in 2023. Snowpack was above average across the region and nearly double the long-term average in portions of eastern Idaho. Snowpack persisted for nearly five months, even at lower elevations of the Snake River plain. Spring and summer brought average to above-average precipitation to the region, with daily showers in much of June and early August. Summer temperatures across the region have been relatively mild.

Here’s more information about the Upper Snake Region.

Salmon Region

The 2022-23 winter was relatively mild. Spring conditions were cool and abnormally wet, and likely resulted in variable nest success across the landscape. However, it is unknown at this time how the wet spring has affected chick survival in the region. With a couple years of milder weather conditions the trend for most upland game bird populations should be stable to upward.

Here’s more information about the Salmon Region.